Sarah's neat trick was to use a silicon muffin case that has legs. Designed for fun in mind the legs have an interesting other use. In a cook pot the muffin case, it's feet in water, becomes a mini Bain Marie.
Ingenious! The muffin case is very heat resistant, lightweight and non stick, a very simple alternative to proprietary steam bake devices available across the pond. The only downside was that I was having trouble finding a UK supplier, until the weekend when I found a shop just off Chiswick High Street that sells them - details here. (NB only currently available in store or by email/telephone order.)
First up was a simple mix of flour, oil and water. I used 30g of Doves Farm gluten free self raising flour, 15ml of oil and added enough water to make a fairly stiff-ish batter. The batter was spooned into the muffin cases and their feet covered with boiling water. The pan was set on a very low heat and covered. Sarah recommends a cooking time of approx 15 minutes.
One thing that I didn't test was how much fuel was used in the process, something I'll look at when I start to experiment with different flour mixes, and flavour combinations.
I did another segment this week :-)
I read that last week. Coincidentially I was experimenting with chocolate too. Made some mini muffins for my son but forgot to put sugar in them. Needless to state he wasnt that impressed!
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